Guide - Winter storage

Storage location

Regardless of whether you are storing your boat on blocks, in a cradle, or on a trailer, choose a location that is protected from strong winds and with as even a surface as possible. Also, choose a location where water does not accumulate or where high vegetation attracts mice or other pests. Some insurance companies require that the boat is stored before a certain date – check the terms and conditions to ensure compliance with any requirements.


If you are storing your boat at a marina, check the rules regarding supports or cradles. Place your boat on blocking material; the weight of the boat should bear on the ground, not the supports. Consult the user instructions from the manufacturer of the supports or cradle.

Cover frame

Choose a cover frame that is lightweight but of the best quality and that does not damage the boat or tarpaulin – choose NOA! Buy a frame that meets your accessibility requirements. For example, if you are going to do some major work, we suggest you take a look at our boat houses.


Choose a high-quality tarpaulin to withstand ice, snow, and pressure from hard winds. Moisture always rises from the ground and settles on the inside of the tarpaulin. Therefore, it is essential that there is ventilation with openings at the bow and stern.


Inspect the tarpaulin to ensure there are no holes where water can leak in. Make sure the covering allows for good ventilation and accessibility.


Be sure to check on your boat before and after storms or after heavy precipitation in the form of snow. Your frame may be intact, but someone else's may have taken a ride in the air. Visit your boat regularly!

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