Bathing, MOB recovery, or stepping into the dinghy

A part of our concept

The easy way on board

Båtsystem is a leading specialist in creating solutions for easy ways on and off the boat - for crew, pets and equipment.

Things get so much easier when bathing from a stern platform. A platfrom facilitates not only getting into and out of the water, but also to step into a dinghy or onto a pontoon. We have platforms for all types of typical sterns, and they fit equally well on power boats as well as on sailing boats.

  • Platforms in different sizes and models
  • Ladders for all types of boats

Bathing platforms

Gets you closer to the water

Bathing from the boat and knowing that you can safely get back on board is just one of the benefits with a bathing platform. A platform facilitates stern-to berthing and stern anchoring, stepping onboard from a pontoon or just a simple task as checking the water temperature. Or why not just sit down for a while and enjoy being close to the water? Adding a ladder to the bathing platform enhances your safety in a MOB (man-overboard) situation.

We have platforms for both sailing yachts and powerboats, for negative or positive transoms, wide or narrow sterns, for transom hung rudders, for double enders and racing boats. Platforms are perfect even for the smallest of transoms. Different depths, materials, roundings and lengths give you a great variety to choose from.

Choosing the right platform

Choosing the right bathing platform can feel a bit tricky.

There are many different models to choose from and surely there are things that you initially need to take into account. Our smart guides and recommendation tables for selected sailing yachts will support you making the right choice. Here, you will find tips, ideas, and some advice in order to find the best bathing platform for your boat.

Do not forget that under the tab customer references, you can find hundreds of boats with our products mounted. Take a look and be inspired, maybe you will even find your own type of boat with a bathing platform already mounted!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us!


A new grip on our bathing platforms

Our platforms are developed focusing on safety and comfort. It should be easy to get into and out of the water. Therefore, we now equip most of our platforms with safety grips. 

A safety grip is a unique opening in the teak to form a sturdy handle to hold on to. Each platform has four of these safety grips.

The rounded grips are easy to get hold o while in the water and comfortable to hold on to when bathing or in a MOB (man overboard) situation.

You find the safety grips on our teak platforms for sailing yachts.

Popular products with safety grips

Safety and comfort

Ladders for all type of boats and needs

Whatever the reason you went into the water – it’s essential to have at least one easy way back onboard. A sturdy and easy to deploy ladder readily available at all times is crucial and makes swimming off the boat more fun and safe. To have a ladder mounted on the boat is partly a question of comfort, but definitely a question of safety. Among our ladders, you will find lots of sleek and safe ladders that will make life onboard easier, more comfortable and safer.

How to choose the right ladder

How do you find the ladder that fits your boat? And what should you keep in mind when choosing a ladder?

To make it easier for you we have created a guide for choosing the correct ladder. You can find tips and advice on design, placement and functions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can help you find the best ladder for your boat!

Popular RIB ladders in a new design

Swimming, snorkeling, and diving from your RIB is popular, but how easy it is to get back onboard into your RIB?

Our RIB ladders have been updated to fit even more sizes of RIB tubes. They also got a new elegant design with rounded corners.

Our RIB ladders are foldable and are elegantly hung over the tube. No extra fittings need to be glued onto the tubes. Ladders are easily stowed away and hung over the side as needed.

The ladders comes in two different sizes:

  • Smaller - RIB400 with 4 steps, is intended for a RIBwith a tube size between 350-500 mm.
  • Bigger model - RIB500 with 5 steps fits a tube size of 450-600 mm.
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