Guide - choosing stern platform

About stern platforms

To swim from the boat and know that you can safely get back up is just one of the advantages of a stern platform. You will also experience that anchoring becomes easier and that you can easily dock with the stern against low floating docks, check the water temperature, or just sit down for a while. If you mount a ladder on the stern platform, you also get the best possible safety solution.

Our stern platform

With us, you will find the stern platform that is perfect for your boat. We have platforms for both sail and powerboats, for those with negative or positive transoms, those that fit if you have an outboard rudder, and those that are perfect for even the smallest transoms. Different depths, materials, rounding, and lengths give you a wide range to choose from - all to help you find the stern platform that suits your boat and your needs.

How to choose a stern platform for sailing yacht & powerboat

Start by finding out the following:

  1. The width of the transom.
  2. The shape of the transom.
  3. Whether there is an outboard rudder or not.
  4. Whether there is a stern drive or outboard motor.

Transom width

Measure the width of the transom approximately 300-400 mm above the waterline (see picture). This is to ensure that the platform is not set too low and risks dragging when motoring or sailing. All mounts on the transom are secured with through bolts, so make sure there is enough space on the inside to fasten washers and nuts. The width of the platform you choose based on this measurement is a matter of preference, and whether you want space for things like anchor holders, if you want it as wide as possible, or if you want a smaller platform.

Transom shape


All platforms in our range are slightly curved towards the transom, which makes them fit nicely with most transom shapes.

Positive and negative transoms

If the transom is positive or completely vertical, the surface of the platform closest to the transom will be partly under the transom depending on the inclination, and you should therefore choose one of the deeper platform models. If the transom is negative, there is more space inside the transom for those standing on the platform, and a narrower platform works fine.


Outboard rudder

If the boat has an outboard rudder, you can choose to either put a smaller platform on each side of the rudder, or alternatively, our specially designed platform for boats with an outboard rudder. The width of the transom and the intended function of the platform are crucial in determining which option is best.

Sterndrive and outboard motors

Depending on the placement of the drive, you should measure whether you can place a full platform over the drive or if you need to place a smaller platform on each side of the drive. The same applies to boats with an outboard motor.

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