Equipment on board

Find inspiring articles and tips för life on board the boat below!

Boarding & Disembarking

Take the easy way on board with the help of our robust and well-desigmned boarding equipment!

Choosing ladder

A ladder on the boat means both comfort and security, choose one that meets all your needs.

Safety & Comfort on board

At Båtsystem we are specialists in finding solutions that take both you and your equipment the easiest way off and on the boat.

Davits & Cranes

We have the products that take the dinghy and all neccessary equipment the easiest way off and on the boat.

Bowsprit made for Code-sailing

Code-sailing is something that has come to stay in the sport of sailing. Boats with smaller forsail/genoa will definitely need some form of Code to speed up your boat when the wind is light.

Sailing performance

Unleash the full potential of the wind with a gennaker or a Code-0 sail, get ashore in all possible and impossible places and get on board easily - even when your legs are too short or too tired.

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